Building Graphics in R


Learn how to visualize data in R with this introductory graphics class. From scatter plots to bar charts to box plots, we’ll cover the basics of what you need to get an idea of what your data is telling you using ggplot2 and base R. We will also cover labeling, faceting, legends, and some cosmetics (changing colors and line/dot patterns, and displaying multiple plots in one window). This session is good for - R beginners who want to know how to visualize data.

Mar 8, 2019 2:15 PM — 3:15 PM
Computer Assisted Reporting Conference 2019
NICAR 2019
Newport Beach, CA
Mary Ryan Baumann
Mary Ryan Baumann
Assistant Professor
mary [dot] ryan [at] wisc [dot] edu

My research interests include group sequential design and clinical trials, with applications in Alzheimer’s Disease biomarker discovery, as well as pragmatic and cluster randomized trials.
